Игра «Jeopardy» для учащихся 5-го класса

- 14:58II И III СТУПЕНИ, ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК, Иностранный язык. Внеклассная работа

Цель: создать условия для развития лингвистической компетенции учащихся и закрепления знаний английского языка в реальной/потенциальной практике.

учитель английского языка
ГУО «Гимназия г. Чечерска»,
Гомельская область



Game: Jeopardy  (это безопасная ссылка на игру, которая хранится на нашем диске, кликайте и скачивайте)


Aim: to create conditions for developing students’ linguistic competence and consolidating knowledge of English in actual/potential practice.


– to activate student’s grammar and lexical skills in practice;

– to practise teamwork skills;

– to develop logical thinking, memory and attention;

– to increase interest in English.


Game Brief

– Dear colleagues, boys and girls! I’m happy to see you hear at our out-of-class activity. What about you? Show me your mood. I have some clothes-pegs. Fasten them to the smiles that reflect your mood. (I see that almost all of us are in a good mood.)

– Today we’ll play the most famous game which is called «Jeopardy».

– Rules to jeopardy game (you can see on the screen):

1. There are two teams, that are called …………………………………..

2. Pick one person to speak for your team.

3. There are 5 categories.

4. Each category contains 5 questions.

5. Each question costs from 10 to 50 points.

6. If your answer is wrong, the other team can steal.

7. If the answer is partly right, the judge decides how many points to give.

8. The team with the most points wins.

9. You have 1 minute to answer.


– Who would like to stop-watch?


– Our interesting game is over now.

– It’s time to count points and reflect your mood. Please, fasten the clothes-pegs to the smiles one more time. Can you explain your choice? Why are you (un)happy? Was the game exciting or boring?   


– Now I give the floor to ……………………..

– Which team is the winner?

– My congratulations!

– I’d like to say that you are all winners. Thank you for your good job and activity!


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