Тренировочные упражнения для отработки части В

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Предлагаемые упражнения можно использовать для отработки навыков выполнения части В (В7–В8, два предложения – одно слово) тестов ЦЭ/ЦТ.

Наталья КОБЫСЬ,
учитель английского языка 
ГУО «Гимназия имени Я.Купалы» г. Мозыря,
Гомельская область


1. Even a six-year-old can have an _______ at night sometimes.

I found her letter by _______ as I was looking through my files.

2. I hope my teacher will take into _______ the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.

He doesn’t drink alcohol on _______ of his poor health.

3. I thought I’d _______ advantage of the sports facilities while I’m here.

I’ll run you a bath while you _______ off those wet clothes.

4. Despite recent discussions between the two companies, they failed to _______ to an agreement

To my mind they will soon _______ to the conclusion that she is lying.

5. We need to _______ a peaceful alternative to war.

I’ll _______ out your secret.

6. I’d like to _______ an appointment to see Dr Pugh.

Jenny has always found it easy to _______ friends at school.

7. I shall _______ an appointment. I am under weather.

If you _______ the rules you will be punished.

8. The IMF is unlikely to _______ its approval.

_______ me a hand with the dishes.

9. Turn the car towards the skid (занос) if you _______ control of it.

He just can’t bear (не может терпеть) to _______ an argument.

10. What emboldened (сподвигло) him to _______ the attempt?

Try not to _______ a noise when you go upstairs.

11. The hotel was full so we had to _______ alternative arrangements.

Leave the boy alone, he can _______ up his own mind.

12. She tried to _______ attention to what he was saying.

Do you want to_______in cash, by check, or by credit card?

13. Could you go up and _______ Tom a bath, please?

If you _______ out of money, call us collect and we’II send you some.

14. We must put an _______ to their threats.

The police got him in the _______.

15. I will _______ my best to meet you in the matter.

We _______ business with a number of Italian companies.

16. I don’t get it — it doesn’t make_______.

I am sure that common _______ will prevail in the end.

17. I don’t _______ if all the other parents are letting their kids do it; I still don’t approve.

Hire a man to take _______ of the garden.

18. No words can _______ justice to the experience.

They wanted me to _______ all the housework and pay for my keep as well.

19. Why are you trying to _______ the blame on me?

She can eat like a horse and never _______ on weight.

20. Staff will _______ a chance to ask questions and air their views.

You need to _______ right up when the alarm goes off in the morning.

21. I was just trying to _______ her a compliment.

I forgot to _______ the gas bill!

22. We’ll _______ everything — cooking, washing, ironing — the lot.

Getting involved at this stage would _______ more harm than good.

23. I don’t think I’d _______ the courage to jump out of a plane.

It would be nice to _______ a break.

24. I _______ the odd day off work.

Most of my children _______ after my husband.

25. His main aim in life was to _______ fun.

Let me _______ a look at that — I think it’s mine.

26. He ranted that young people today _______ everything for granted.

At the end of each level, you _______ an exam.

27. If you could ever figure out how to market this you’d _______ a fortune.

I don’t want to _______ a fuss, but this soup is cold.

28. I swim twice a week to try and _______ fit.

It’s a good idea — I’ll _______ it in mind.

29. He could always _______ fault with something, either in my writing or in my personality.

I’m hopeful that we can _______ a solution.

30. You’ve got to _______ facts. You can’t survive on a salary that low.

The two men stood _______ to face without a word. 

31. I know you don’t like her, but please _______ an effort to be polite.

Please _______ my excuses at the meeting tomorrow.

32. You can complain, but I doubt if it’ll _______ any difference.

We have to _______ absolutely certain that none of this gets out.

33. I promise I will _______ my duty.

I’m going to _______ my hair tonight.

34. We try not to _______ people on hold for more than a couple of minutes.

I always _______ my promises.

35. Won’t your business suffer if you _______ a holiday?

She just needed someone to draw her out and _______ an interest in her.

36. Find yourself a place on the couch and _______ yourself at home.

Be sure you look at the small print if you _______ any deals with him.

37. Most guests started to _______ their way home around about ten o’clock.

You _______ a mistake if you go by (судить по) appearances.

38. I can’t _______ my homework with all this noise going on.

I usually _______ revision before taking exams.

39. Such feelings may _______ a strong influence over your decisions.

I _______ an impression that I have somewhere met with it before.

40. The nurse is coming to _______ you an injection.

I don’t feel competent to _______ an opinion at the moment.

41. I _______ no intention of retiring just yet.

I am going to _______ an interview in a week.

42. We _______ the Internet, gather information and click hyperlinks.

43. He had to _______ the dirty jobs.

Deciding what you want to _______ for a living is no trifling matter.

44. There’s no need to _______ silly jokes, David.

The Hubble Telescope has allowed astronomers to _______ significant discoveries about our galaxy.

45. Martial arts _______ respect, discipline, and cooperation.

The soldiers were put on fatigue (поставили в наряд) to _______ them a lesson.

46. It can _______ a long time for your visa application to be processed.

Never _______ medicine which has been prescribed for somebody else.

47. Bear in _______ that some children will need help.

He couldn’t make up his _______ about what to do with the money.

48. You can _______ cookies if you promise not to_______a mess in the kitchen.

49. _______ note of this chemical reaction.

I hope you’ll _______ notice of what I’m going to tell you.

50. Make a list of what you have to do, and _______ them in order with the most important at the top.

Susan _______ on a show of regret all day.

51. People don’t _______ in love anymore, they have relationships.

Jim and Mary _______ out every few weeks, but their quarrels never last.

52. Did she _______ this on purpose, was it all just a game, an act?

It’s a good idea to _______ some research before you buy a house. 

53. I absolutely refuse to _______ part in anything illegal.

Can you _______ a photo of me and Rachel?

54. Do you know a place where we could_______a party?

She couldn’t bear to _______ away anything that might come in useful one day.

55. Could you _______the salt?

I realized early on I’d never _______ the exam.

56. I will not _______ him permission to leave class early?

I don’t suppose you’d (Вы не будете столь добры) _______ me a lift to the station?

57. Please _______ free to make suggestions.

After a while we began to _______ at home with each other.

58. He sounded so upset that Leah started to _______ pity on him.

Staff meetings _______ place once a week.

59. They _______ an indirect route, avoiding the town centre.

I shall _______ great pleasure in telling everyone the truth.  

60. Stick with me and you won’t _______ lost.

I _______ phone calls from my sister once a week.

61. The big drug companies _______ huge profits.

Don’t _______ promises you can’t keep.

62. We were rushing to _______ the bus.

When I _______ sight of Rob I always feel my heart quicken.

63. It’s surely not beyond the wit of man to _______ up with a solution.

These words _______ from Latin.

64. Those who _______ wrong should be punished.

I shall _______ my utmost (все, что в моих силах) to serve her.

65. There’s always the chance that something will _______ wrong.

If this pain doesn’t go away soon, I shall _______ mad.

66. John was pushed out to _______ way for the director’s son.

Please feel free to _______ suggestions.

67. It’s your turn to _______ the washing-up, Sam.

I don’t have the patience to _______crossword puzzles.

68. _______ a list of all the things you need.

Within 20 minutes they were prepared to _______ us an offer.

69. She can’t _______ to hear them arguing.

What does ATM _______ for?


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