Проведенный анализ текстов олимпиад прошлых лет позволил выделить лексическое ядро заданий характерных для данного блока лексико–грамматических заданий. По составленной справочной информации было подготовлено упражнение с ответами.
Наталья ДАШКО, Григорий ДАШКО,
учителя английского языка
ГУО «Средняя школа № 2 г. Орши имени Б.Л.Хигрина»,
Витебская область
Задания на фразовые глаголы в рамках олимпиад по английскому языку представлены как в форме заданий на заполнение пропусков (open cloze), так и перифраз (key word transformation). В отдельных случаях, нужно употребить обе части фразового глагола, что представляет собой самый сложный вариант данного вида заданий, так как одному значению может соответствовать несколько разных фразовых глаголов.
about – быть уже готовым что–то сделать
up – распасться, расстаться
forward – перенести на будущее
into – неожиданно столкнуться
for – требоваться; off – отменять
out – выполнять
up – приободриться
off – быть успешным
down/off – остыть, успокоиться
up – неожиданно появиться
down – срубить; out – (be ~ to) быть созданным для чего-то
away with – избавиться, down – критиковать, наговаривать
away – отгонять
off – уснуть
up – (be fed up with) надоесть
back – получить обратно; on/along with – ладить с кем-то; to – начать что-то делать
out – раздавать
away – уйти; on – продолжать
out – раздавать
on – ждать
up with – не отставать
off – уволить
off – зд. выделять
after – присматривать, заботиться; down – относиться с пренебрежением; for – искать; on – наблюдать; out – берегись, будь внимателен; up – проясняться, улучшаться
for – направляться; up – понимать; мириться
out – упустить, пропустить
about/around – раздавать указания
down – критиковать; up – украсить, повесить; приютить
up – собрать вместе
off – провожать кого–то; out – проводить наружу
in for – начаться (о дожде)
up – записаться на (курсы)
up – ускориться
about/around – находиться неподалеку
after – пойти в кого-то; off – стать успешным
out of – отговорить
against – сыграть во вред
over – тщательно обдумать
down – приземлиться
down – отказать; out – оказаться в результате; up – неожиданно появиться
up – вызвать какое–то состояние или чувство
- With all that bad publicity and false accusations, the business really took ______.
- Of course I’m coming to the reunion party! I’d hate to miss ______ on it.
- Most of my children take ______ my great granddad, both in appearance and character.
- It’s the sort of work that calls ______ a high level of concentration and discipline.
- Our plane touched ______ about 20 minutes after it was expected to.
- He was handing ______ leaflets to members of the audience.
- It is the smell of the drains that is driving our potential customers ______.
- We soon realised that she was cut ______ to be a piano teacher.
- We finally joined the crowd making ______ the exit.
- Local officials worked to sign ______ students to the summer jobs initiative.
- The two men turned out at the airport to see her ______.
- I wouldn’t lend him anything, you’ll not get it ______.
- The duty of the local authority is to look ______ the interests of local people.
- You can’t make your way here and start ordering people ______.
- He was simply carrying ______ the instructions he had been given.
- Is that account true or did you make everything ______?
- Because of the economic decline, the company has been forced to lay ______ several hundred employees.
- The shops have started to put ______ colourful Christmas decorations.
- I was ______ to leave when Mark indicated that he wanted to talk to me.
- We hope new talent will crop ______ in the next freshman class.
- ‘Sounds serious,’I said. ‘Go ______. I am all ears!’
- Time to round everybody ______! Dinner is almost ready!
- Can’t you talk them ______ selling the house? Prices may go up.
- You go ahead – I’ll stick ______ until Candice comes.
- I think that he is fed ______ the constant threats of his employer’s.
- Cheer ______. Life is not as meaningless existence as you may think.
- She made an offer to buy our house, and I gave her a promise to think it ______.
- Leave her to cool ______ and then talk to her. She is not in her right mind.
- I must have dropped ______ during the ballet, because I don’t remember what the finale was.
- His name turns ______ in the newspaper now and then. He is steadily gaining popularity.
- If you need somewhere to stay, we can certainly put you ______ for one night only.
- ‘Look ______’ I said. ‘There’s some vehicle approaching.’
- The Sweeneys argue a lot but they always make ______ before going to sleep
- This rain looks as if it has set ______ for the rest of the week.
- The demonstrators demolished the statue as police calmly looked ______.
- She doesn’t get ______ her new boss. She will have to find another job.
- That summer, things began looking ______. Our profits were on the increase.
- Computerization has enabled us to do ______ a lot of tedious paperwork.
- His attempt to make an impression on us all didn’t quite come ______.
- I bumped ______ an old friend on the bus stop yesterday.
- The little boy tried very hard to keep ______ his older brother’s accomplishments.
- There were people at the entrance giving ______ useless leaflets.
- I went to the front door to see our guests ______ to their cars.
- Hold ______, I’ll be with you in a moment.
- Joe had been turned ______ at four schools before he was finally accepted.
- Don’t do yourself ______! You look lovely, darling.
- Look, just go ______ and leave me alone, will you?
- “A lot of people look ______ us because we’re homeless,” she cried.
- They’re way ahead of us — speed ______!
- The new owners cut ______ the apple trees and built a bigger garage.
- She met her second husband not long after her first marriage broke ______.
- He got ______ thinking how disappointed his parents would be.
- They decided to bring ______ the date of the next meeting.
- I can’t work ______ any enthusiasm for this plan. It doesn’t seem a good one.
- The naked truth turned ______ to be stranger than we had expected.
- I was badly in need of the job, but I knew that my age would probably tell ______ me.
- Both governments are looking ______ a peaceful solution to the deepening crisis.
- It’s only a small radiator, so it doesn’t let ______ much heat.
- It rained so much that they had to call ______ the soccer game.
- Why do you have to put me ______ in front of everyone like that?
1. off |
21. on |
41. up with |