Дидактические материалы для реализации воспитательного потенциала урока по учебному предмету «Английский язык». Тема: «Путешествие. Туризм. Путешествие по Сморгонщине». XI класс   

- 9:25Иностранный язык. Материалы к урокам, Методичка

Дидактические материалы по английскому языку в XI классе по теме «Путешествие. Туризм. Путешествие по Сморгонщине» разработаны с учетом тех методов, которые подтвердили свою эффективность в практической работе. 

Антонина МОНЧАК,
учитель английского языка
ГУО «Средняя школа № 5 г. Сморгони»,
Гродненская область





Проблема поиска эффективных методов и приемов обучения иноязычному общению очень актуальна. Обучение и личностное развитие современного школьника возможно в том случае, если деятельность (учебная, прежде всего) эмоционально окрашена. Как известно, большое значение при организации образовательного процесса иностранному языку играет мотивация учения.

Первоочередным условием повышения интереса к предмету «Иностранный язык» является формирование коммуникативной мотивации. Считаю, что обеспечению коммуникативной мотивации способствуют такие факторы, как доброжелательная обстановка на уроке, положительный эмоциональный климат, доверительные отношения между учителем и учащимися, а также между самими учащимися. Именно поэтому все чаще на занятиях предпочтение отдаю активным методам работы, которые помогают реализовать в полной мере и воспитательный потенциал учебных занятий по иностранному языку.

Дидактические материалы по английскому языку в XI классе по теме «Путешествие. Туризм. Путешествие по Сморгонщине» разработаны с учетом тех методов, которые подтвердили свою эффективность в моей работе. Материалы, подготовленные для учебного занятия, были использованы во время участия в международном проекте «Встреча с Восточной Европой» (Германия, г. Мюнстер).

В работе использованы материалы по краеведению школьного народного историко-этнографического музея.


Цель: создание условий для формирования у учащихся чувства патриотизма, гражданственности, уважения к истории и традициям белорусского народа.


1. Развивать качества поликультурной личности, владеющей системой гуманистических ценностных ориентаций и способной осуществлять межличностное общение в контексте диалога культур;
2. Расширить знания о национально-культурных ценностях своей страны и страны изучаемого языка;
3. Способствовать развитию умений представлять свою страну, свой родной город в условиях иноязычной межкультурной коммуникации.


1 Как правильно сформулировать тему и цель учебного занятия?

Один из способов – использование английских пословиц и поговорок. Чтение, нахождение соответствий в русском и английском языках, а также поиск ключевых слов способствуют решению выше указанной проблемы.



To travel hopefully is better than to arrive

English proverbs Key words Russian proverbs
(If a student knows them.)
Youth likes to wander. youth, wander  
A A rolling stone gathers no moss, but a sitting hen loses its feathers. rolling stone, sitting hen  
Untraveled youths have ever homely wits. untraveled youths, wits  
A traveler without observation is a bird without wings. traveler, observation, wings  
It is better to turn back than go astray. turn back, astray  
The best journeys are not always in straight lines. best journeys, straight lines  
To travel safely through the world a man must have a falcon’s eye, an ass’s ears, an ape’s face, a merchant’s words, a camel’s back, a hog’s mouth, and a hart’s legs. to travel safely  


2 На этапе введения в иноязычную атмосферу учебного занятия целесообразно использовать дефиниции.  

Учащиеся объясняют значение английских слов по теме с помощью описания их значения или через использование синонимов.

Учащиеся получают карточки.

Words Definition (Synonym)
A tourist is …  
A Belorussian tourist is…  
A suitcase is …  
A map is …  
Necessary things are …  
The types of tourism are …  
Voluntourism is …  
A travel agent …  


3 Актуализировать знания учащихся по теме можно через работу в группах. Необходимо определить круг проблем, с которыми часто сталкиваются туристы (личный опыт).

Possible problems
1. Currency exchange
2. Travel preparation
3. Visa problems
4. Transport
5. Literature for traveling
6. Language


4 Основной этап: работа с текстами (перекрестное чтение).

Учащиеся в небольших группах читают тексты и заполняют таблицы

Dear friend!

Smorgon is a very beautiful city located in the west of the Republic of Belarus. Smorgon was first mentioned in written sources in 1503. In the 17th century, the Bear Academy was founded in the city. Here the bears were trained and sold throughout Europe. In December 1812 Napoleon was in town. Not far from the town there is a stone where Napoleon took a rest. So say the residents of the city. During the two world wars, Smorgon was badly damaged. Today Smorgon is a modern city with highly developed industry and many interesting sights.

There are also many interesting folk tales about Smorgon and the Smorgon Circle.

It is worth mentioning some of them. These legends are not only interesting, but also instructive. We get to know our homeland better. The names of Belarusian cities and villages are our story. We hope our legen

Smorgon is situated on the picturesque bank of the Wilija river.

There are many legends and sagas about the name of the city and the river. The river Vilija flows from the swamps located near the village of Shilyany. A tailor named Stephan lived in this village. He sewed good clothes for the rich people. The villagers also got practical and cheap clothes from him. Stephen became rich. He had everything, but he was sad because he had no wife. Stephan was sad day and night. There were many girls in the village. But he only loved one thing. But this love was not mutual. Stephan wanted to say something to the girl, but she blushed and said nothing. Stephan didn’t understand that, his heart hurt. He didn’t know that the girl loved him, only her modesty didn’t let him look at the boy.

Тhe girl’s name was Weljana because she was beautiful and nice. Stephen suffered for a very long time. He couldn’t take it anymore. Once in the night he went into the wide field and summoned a dark power. The day came. People searched for Stephan for a long time. But they found only one valley. They passed and found Stony Stephen. Veljana heard that Stepan turned into a stone. She ran into the field, hugged the stone and cried for a long time. She cried day and night, then she died. Water appeared under the stone. The water flowed and flowed, turning the valley floor into a swamp. The swamp was named Zhilyanskoye (after the name of the village) and the river was named Vilya (after the name of the beautiful girl Velyana). People called the river Wilija a little differently than the girl’s name.

The name Smorgon didn’t come about all at once. Beside this name existed the others: Bear Academy, City of the Dead, Bastion of Death. For us, however, the current name Smorgon is interesting.

In ancient times, old forests grew near the city. The people produced wheat. But most of the land was under the forest. So people began to destroy the forest and use the liberated land for wheat. In the evening, tired people came home, they sat on the bench and talked to each other. Everyone wanted to know how much land the neighbor liberated. The neighbor who had 3–4 sons told that he got “Morg” (that is 0.5 Ha). The neighbor who had daughters said he only edited “gon”. That wasn’t much. The strangers who came to the city said that they were going in the direction of “morg”, the others were going in the direction of “gon”.

This is how the name Smorgon came about.

The second legend tells: when the trees were cut down, many stumps remained. The instruments were very primitive back then. The people worked very hard. The tree stumps were burned. This is where the plants that produced resin were built. When people drove into town, they asked each other: Where are you going? – To where resin is produced. In Belorussian, resin means “Smar”. This is how the name Smorgon came about.The third legend comes from the 17th century. This legend is associated with hunting bears. The rich radivils (they were very rich gentlemen) gifted the land to the hunters. Some got “smor”, the others “gon”. But the first two legends are more truthful because Smorgon was known in written sources in the 16th century.

Why did the name Bear Academy appear? That comes from the job of training bears.

Totenstadt – during the years of the First World War the city was badly damaged and burned.Bastion of Death – that was the name of the positions of the Polish legionnaires, they were located in the former German Doten not far from Smorgon in the summer of 1920, which Jan Fabrizius stormed.

There are many villages in Smorgon County whose names are associated with various legends.


Legend about the name of the village Wojstom

In ancient times there was a heavy battle in this place. After this fight, the water in the river was red with blood. That is why this river is called Kriulyanka (in Belorussian blood means “krow”), and the village of Voystom.

Formerly near the village there was a place where people lived in ancient times. Once the enemies came to him. Between the villagers and the enemies there was a fight. As a result of this battle, many were killed and wounded. Weeping stood for many days. For this reason, the village of Voistom (crying is similar to the Belorussian word “voy”) came into being.


Legend about the village of Soly

From far and wide in the wide land lived a people. It lived fun and friendly. During the day everyone worked, and in the evening, after the moon appeared in the sky, girls and boys gathered and danced near the fire. The leader of this people was a good and honest man. Very often people came to him to find the truth. He had his own son and another boy named Sala. Many years ago the man found him, healed him. So he stayed with the leader.

But the man fell ill and died. After his death, an unknown disease appeared in the village. People started dying. The leader of the people became Sala. He decided to find another country suitable for life. People left the country and made fires to make the disease go away. Sala led his people. He was brave, could talk beautifully. He understood the voices of animals and birds. He could bring all people to the desired country. This country was rich in forests and lakes. Very soon on this place a new village arose.

So the sons began to live next to each other. They married, had children. Many years have passed. The brothers died. Where Nyakhved lived, the village of Hvedevichy, Mihail-Miknichi, Lyavn-Lyavnavichi was established.

Three villages stand next to each other today. They are as a reminder for the people of the history of the Smorgonland. 

Location Historical information
(important events)
People’s names Evidence that people loved their native land My opinion


5 На основании информации из текстов учащимся можно предложить подготовить список причин «Почему Сморгонь стоит посетить?»

Учащимся предлагается составить логические цепочки:

Smorgon is worth visiting because … .
Smorgon should be visiting because … .
I recommend you visiting Smorgon because … .
Let’s visit this beautiful town because … . 

6 Составление памяток, рекомендаций – очень важный этап учебного занятия. Учащимся можно предложить составить памятку туристу, посещающему наш город. В памятке учащиеся могут расположить советы по степени их значимости.

Dear tourist!

1. Our town is always waiting for you, at any time of the year.
2. Come to us with a smile and bright thoughts.
3. Get to know the people of our city.
4. Try Belarusian cuisine.
5. Participate in the festive events of the town.
6. Be sure to visit Oginsky’s estate.
7. Don’t forget to visit our central park.
8. Remember souvenirs. 

7 Как завершающий этап путешествия учащимся предлагается собрать чемодан для туриста, путешествующего по Сморгони и Сморгонскому району.

Учащиеся пишут на карточках слова и опускают их в чемодан.


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