National symbols. Australia and Belarus. План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 11-м классе

- 11:56II И III СТУПЕНИ, ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК, Иностранный язык. Сценарии, Методичка

The aim of the lesson: at the end of the lesson students will be able to sum up the information on the topic and describe national symbols of Australia and Belarus.

учитель английского языка,
ГУО «Средняя школа № 41 имени А.М.Кузнецова г. Гродно»



Materials and equipment:

– a multi board;
– internet resources;
– students’ mobile phones;
– supplement materials – photocopies.


Unit 4 – Britain, Australia, New Zealand

Lesson 7 – Australian icons

The aim of the lesson: at the end of the lesson students will be able to sum up the information on the topic and describe national symbols of Australia and Belarus.

Students will

– learn new words on the topic;
– revise the rule of Passive Voice;
– develop listening, reading and speaking skills.

Key – questions: What do national symbols of the country represent? Is it important to know the national symbols of the country?


Lesson plan

Stage of the lesson: warming up (2 min)

To create the atmosphere of foreign language, to provide positive motivation for learning English

Teacher’s activity

Greetings, monitor students’ answers

The weather in Belarus is cold but we continue travelling around hot Australia. Students give their associations with Australia.

Interaction model: T-Cl


Stage of the lesson: actualization of the covered material (5 min)

Game «Quick facts about Australia»

Pupils’ activity

Pupils explain what the numbers and words in sections mean.

Interaction model: P1-P2-P3

Presentation slides 225


To claim aims of the lesson (2 min)

What do the pictures have in common? What is missing?

They are the national symbols. Golden wattle

Interaction model: T – Cl

Presentation slides 2627


Stage of the lesson: presentation of the vocabulary (3 min)

To learn new words of the lesson

To stimulate abilities for self-study and self-check

Teacher’s activity

Use your mobile phones, the Cambridge Dictionary to understand the meanings of the words

Pupils’ activity Pupils work independently then check as a class

Active vocabulary of the lesson

coat of arms/ icon/ golden wattle/ acknowledge/ aboriginal/ shield/ emu/ faunal/ Aussie/ commonwealth/ proclaim

Interaction model: P1 – Cl, P2 – Cl…

Presentation slide 28


Stage of the lesson: work with the audio (6 min)

To develop listening and speaking skills

Students’ books p.114-115 ex.2a

Pupils’ activity Complete the description (individually)

Interaction model: P-P

Presentation slide 2930


Stage of the lesson: moving activity (4 min)

To relax, change activities

Teacher’s activity

Students’ books p.114-115 ex.2b

Now you should split into pairs. One of you has the beginning of the question, the other has the end.

Pupils’ activity Make up questions and sit into the pairs.

Interaction model: P – CL

Interaction model: P – P

Presentation slide 31


Stage of the lesson: revise grammar rule (6 min)

To develop grammar skills

Teacher’s activity

Look at the sentences. Explain the formation of passive forms in English.

Pupils’ activity

Read the sentence and revise the rule.

Workbook p.88 ex.2

Interaction model: T – Cl

Presentation slide 32


Stage of the lesson: work with the text (10 min)

To develop reading and speaking skills, revise the information about national symbols of Belarus.

Teacher’s activity Ask the questions: What do national symbols of the country represent? Is it important to know the national symbols of the country?

Pupils’ activity Read the text and find the examples of passive forms.

Describe the national symbols of Belarus. Compare them with the national symbols of Australia.

Answer the key – questions: What do national symbols of the country represent? Is it important to know the national symbols of the country? (Annex 1).

Interaction model: P1 – P2 – P3…

Presentation slide 33


Stage of the lesson: assigning home task (2 min)

Teacher’s activity Explain h/t

Fill in the table and speak about Australia and Belarus using the information of our lesson and additional materials (internet resources). (Annex 2)

Pupils’ activity Pupils put down their tasks in the record books.

Interaction model: T– Cl


Stage of the lesson: reflection (3 min)

Teacher’s activity

Use and answer the question: What do national symbols of the country represent?

Pupils’ activity Pupils answer the question

Interaction model: T– Cl


Stage of the lesson: assessment (2 min)

To assess and motivate pupils

Interaction model: T-P1 T-P2



Annex 1

National symbols are patriotic symbols representing nations and countries. National symbols try to unite people or send a message by representing the national people, values, goals, or history.

The National Coat of Arms of the Republic of Belarus is the symbol of state sovereignty of Belarus. It represents a golden contour of Belarus’ borders which is placed on a silver field and over the golden rays of the sun rising over the globe. A five-pointed red star is placed on top of the field. The emblem is framed by the wreath of golden wheat-ears interlaced with clover flowers on the right and flax flowers on the left. The wreath is interlaced with a red-green ribbon three times on each side carrying two golden lines “The Republic of Belarus” in the middle of the foundation of the National Coat of Arms.

The National Coat of Arms is displayed on the buildings of public agencies and a number of state-run institutions, inside the offices of their heads, as well as on the seals of these bodies, on coins, and passports of citizens of the Republic of Belarus. Unlike the National Flag, the National Coat of Arms has a more official meaning, so there is no possibility of its free use by citizens. In particular, it is prohibited to display it on business cards of non-government employees.

The National Coat of Arms highlights major national and spiritual values of Belarusians, civil unity, diligence, peacefulness. The contour of Belarus in the center is a symbol of the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. A wreath of golden wheat heads, flax and clover flowers symbolizes wellbeing and prosperity. The globe symbolizes the will to live in peace and accord and to cooperate with all countries. The rising sun is a symbol of life and good fortune. A star is a symbol of a human being and mankind, a sign of courage and virtue, big aspirations of the nation.

National Flag of the Republic of Belarus

The National Flag of the Republic of Belarus is a rectangular cloth consisting of two horizontal stripes: a red upper stripe and a green lower stripe, which are two-thirds and one-third of the flag’s width respectively. A vertical red-on-white Belarusian ornamental pattern is placed against the flagstaff.

Colors of our flag signify:

Red – power, courage, honor, energy. Green – hope, health, youth, rejuvenation, diligence, creation, natural harmony. White – purity, innocence, accord, wisdom, knowledge.

The ornamental pattern is a symbol of the centuries-old culture of the nation and its spiritual wealth. The ornamental pattern in the National Flag stands for bread, harvest and procreation; celebrates diligence and prowess which are the cornerstones of people’s good fortune.


Annex 2

Fill in the table and speak about Australia and Belarus




name of the country

style of government





big cities











animal world




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