Подготовка к олимпиаде по английскому языку. Предлоги

- 15:20Подготовка к олимпиадам

Теоретический материал составлен на основе анализа заданий олимпиад прошлых лет, к нему подготовлено упражнение с ответами.

Наталья ДАШКО, Григорий ДАШКО,
учителя английского языка
ГУО «Средняя школа № 2 г. Орши имени Б.Л.Хигрина»,
Витебская область


Задания по предлогам в рамках олимпиад по английскому языку в основном представлены в форме заполнения пропусков (open cloze). Как правило, в этом типе заданий не бывает сложных сочетаний, но избежать случайных ошибок можно, если эта тема отработана в достаточной мере.


Алфавитный список предлогов


at any cost – любой ценой
at any rate –  во всяком случае
at ease –  чувствовать себя свободно
at first sight –  на первый взгляд
at large –  в целом, весь
at random –  случайным образом
at risk –  в опасности
at service –  быть к чьим– либо услугам
at the latest –  как самое позднее
aim at –  сознательно добиваться чего– либо
gaze at –  смотреть


abide by –  твёрдо держаться чего-либо


for fear –  во избежание
for good –  навсегда
for sure –  наверняка
answerable for –  ответственный за
eligible for –  имеющий право
qualify for –  готовиться к какой– либо деятельности


from scratch –  с начала
detract from –  отвлекать от
distract from –  отвлекать от


I contact – в связи с
I no time – мигом
I vain – зря
result I –  приводить к некому результату


into flames –  в пламени


of ashamed –  стыдиться
of beware –  беречься
of envious –  завидовать
of remind –  напоминать о чем-то
of suspicious –  подозрительный
of unaware –  не осознающий


on account –  из-за, вследствие
on menu –  в меню
on sale –  на распродаже
base on –  основываться на
effect on –  результат, следствие  
insist on –  настаивать
intent on –  поглощённый, занятый
pride-self on –  гордиться собой из-за


precedence over –  прецедент


out of breath –  запыхавшийся


allergic to –  аллергический
allergy to –  аллергия
confine to –  ограничивать
contrast to –  отличающийся
devoted to –  преданный
irresistible to –  неотразимый
peculiar to –  свойственный


annoyed with –  раздраженный
contented with –  довольный
deal with –  иметь дело
dissatisfied with –  не довольный
simpathise with –  симпатизировать


without fail –  без сбоев


under the weather –  переживающий неприятности


Упражнение на предлоги в рамках обозначенной темы

1. I have never felt completely ______ ease with my father– in– law.

2. He sympathised ______ the general aims of this uncommercial organisation.

3. His professional expertise makes him uniquely qualified ______ the position.

4. They were sincerely devoted ______ one another.

5. Greg contented himself ______ a cup of freshly ground coffee.

6. It seems quite fair as the names are chosen ______ random from a list.

7. Jim is quite short, ______ contrast ______ his sister, Jane, who is very tall.

8. Patients have become increasingly dissatisfied ______ the existing health care system.

9. You could see he was literally allergic ______ paperwork.

10. He retired early ______ account of health related problems.

11. The spacecraft was seen to crash and burst ______ flames.

12. The maps we have nowadays are based ______ precise satellite data.

13. He was absently gazing ______ the white sheet of paper.

14. He looked, ______ first sight, like a casual tourist.

15. Only those who are over 65 are eligible ______ the special payment benefits.

16. Are these scarfs ______ sale reduced in price?

17. They have to do things which they are desperately ashamed ______.

18. The new model goes ______ sale in a month.

19. I want you to complete this task by two o’clock ______ fail.

20. I suppose healthcare must be ______ the service of all who may be in need of it.

21. Well, that’s a good piece of news ______ any rate.

22. She waited ______ vain for him to turn up.

23. We will have to abide ______ their legitimate decision.

24. No one knew ______ sure what had actually happened on that infamous day.

25. He was annoyed ______ his neighbor who had cut down one of his trees.

26. Environmental concerns must be given precedence ______ commercial interests.

27. Hay fever is most commonly caused by an allergy ______ pollen.

28. He is determined to win the tournament ______ any cost.

29. A lot of people, including me, are allergic ______ house– dust.

30. The kids will be leaving home ______ no time.

31. The building is rather unsafe — enter ______ your own risk.

32. People in authority must be made answerable ______ their decisions.

33. Applications should be handed in by next Friday ______ the latest.

34. He burst into the room, red– faced and ______ breath.

35. Beware ______ saying anything that might reveal your identity while you are on the Net.

36. The bright colours were irresistible ______ the baby.

37. Environmental pollution is resulting ______ the forests dying.

38. I’ve tried dissuading her from going but she’s intent ______ it.

39. He was determined not to let anything detract him ______ the enjoyment of the vocation.

40. He was completely unaware ______ the whole affair. They must have taken him in.

41. She’s angry [<span class=”answer”>on</span>] account ______ what you said about her husband over the lunch.

42. All members must agree to abide ______ the club regulations.

43. He took a psychotherapy course to help him deal ______ his childhood traumas.

44. The building reminded me strongly ______ my old school in my home town.

45. This species of bird is peculiar ______ eastern Asia.

46. He decided to dismantle the machine and start again ______ scratch.

47. Society ______ large will benefit from this law.

48. The measures were aimed ______ cutting government expenditure.

49. It was yet another attempt to distract public attention ______ the truth.

50. He had always felt envious ______ his elder brother.

51. They decided that the drug had little effect ______ the condition of the patient.

52. We spoke quietly ______ fear of being eavesdropped.

53. They became suspicious ______ his motives and contacted the police.

54. Let’s confine our sole attention ______ the problem of illegal drugs.

55. She had always prided herself ______ her appearance.

56. Why do we listen to music every time we are ______ the weather?

57. Some dishes are not ______ the menu, but are written on a blackboard.

58. Greg stubbornly insisted ______ doing it all by himself.

59. I still keep ______ contact ______ my friends from old school days.

60. I’d like an excuse to get rid of him ______ good.



1. at
2. with
3. for
4. to
5. with
6. at
7. in, to
8. with
9. to
10. on
11. into
12. on
13. at
14. at
15. for
16. on
17. of
18. on
19. without
20. at
21. at
22. in
23. by
24. for
25. with
26. over
27. to
28. at
29. to
30. in
31. at
32. for
33. at
34. out of
35. of
36. to
37. in
38. on
39. from
40. of
41. of
42. by
43. with
44. of
45. to
46. from
47. at
48. at
49. from
50. of
51. on
52. for
53. of
54. to
55. on
56. under
57. on
58. on
59. in, with
60. for


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