Travelling to world capitals. Урок английского языка в 7-м классе

- 16:15ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК, Иностранный язык. Сценарии, Методичка


учитель английского языка
ГУО «Большеберестовицкая средняя школа имени С.О.Притыцкого»,
Гродненская область



Form: 7.

Communicative area: Canberra – Australian capital.

Aim: to develop speaking skills. It is planned the pupils can ask the travel agent about any hop-on hop-off tour and book a ticket.

Equipment: books, tables, audio files, speakers, a computer


Ход урока

Деятельность учителя

Режим работы

Деятельность учащихся

1 Организационный момент (2 мин.)

Hello! How are you?
    What’s the capital of the Uk? What London landmarks can you mention? How many rooms are there in Buckingham Palace? When was the Great Fire of London? What is the most famous bridge over the river Themes? Whose column is situated in the centre of Trafalgar Square? Where British Kings and queens are coroneted? How heavy is Big Ben? What is the height of Big Ben?
    What’s the capital of Australia? What other big cities of Australia do you know? When did Canberra become the capital of Australia? What does the word “Berra” mean? Who planned an ideal city of the future? What’s the population of Canberra?



2 Проверка домашнего задания (9 мин.)

    What places of interest in Canberra can you mention? Where you can see the biggest collection of big cats? Which place can be seen from almost any place in the city? Which place tells the story of Canberra from the start of aboriginal times until the present? Where can you see the best collection of Australian flora? Which building looks both modernist and classic? Where do the Australian greatest sportsmen are trained?
  Which od Australian sights would you like to visit. Why? Make up sentences. Use the table.

I’d like to visit

– The national zoo
– The national capital exhibition
– The parliament house
– The Australian national botanic gardens
– The Australian Institute of Sport
– The National Library


– It is fun for all ages
– There is the biggest collection of cats
– It tells the story of Canberra
– You can go on a guided tour when the parliament is not sitting
– It can be seen from almost any place in the city
– They have the best collection of Australian flora
– It has trained the best sportsmen
– You can take famous sportsmen as a guide
– It looks both modernistic and classical
– It is one of the bet public places in Canberra



3 Целеполагание (1 мин.)

Today we’ll continue speaking about Australian sights and travelling around Canberra. At the end of the lesson you’ll learn how to choose a tour and book a ticket in English. And at home you are to make up your own conversation about a tour to Minsk
On board: you can hopon and hopoff the bus as many times as you like, at any bus stops.
Open your books p 194 ex 3a. Listen to Mr. Rambler asking about the details of a hop on hop off tour of Canberra. Fill in the missing information.
Ex 3b. Explain the usage of grammar in the underlined sentences.

PE activity
Look left, right
Look up, look down
Look around.
Look at your nose
Look at that board
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile.



4 Основная часть (30 мин.)

Work in pairs. Take these cards. Make up a dialogue. Report back your findings.
– Hop on Hop off Tours. How can I help you?
– I’d like to learn more about the tour of Canberra.
– When are you going on a tour?
– On the 12th of March. When does the bus leave?
– At 10 o’clock in the morning. Please be on time.
– Where does it leaves from?
– From the city Centre. At the bus stop.
– What sights do I visit?
– The Australian Institute of Sport, The National Zoo and the National Library.
– Great! Do I visit the Parliament house?
– Unfortunately, not, sorry. The Parliament is sitting.
– That’s OK. Is it a guided tour?
– Sure. The guide will be speaking English and French.
– When do I arrive back?
– At 19 o‘clock.
– Thank you.
– You are welcome. I hope you will like the tour.

Now imagine you are in London and want to book a ticket to the guided tour. Make up your own dialogues. Report back your ideas.



5 Рефлексия (1 мин.)
(the table 3)



6 Подведение итогов (1 мин.)



7 Инструктаж домашнего задания (1 мин.)
Make up a dialogue about hop on hop of tour of Minsk.





Application 1


I’d like to visit

– The national zoo
– The national capital exhibition
– The parliament house
– The Australian national botanic gardens
– The Australian Institute of Sport
– The National Library


– It is fun for all ages
– There is the biggest collection of cats
– It tells the story of Canberra
– You can go on a guided tour when the parliament is not sitting
– It can be seen from almost any place in the city
– They have the best collection of Australian flora
– It has trained the best sportsmen
– You can take famous sportsmen as a guide
– It looks both modernistic and classical
– It is one of the bet public places in Canberra


Application 2

– Hop on Hop off Tours. How can I help you?
– You are welcome. I hope you will like the tour.
– When do I arrive back?
– I’d like to learn more about the tour of Canberra.
– At 19 o‘clock.
– Sure. The guide will be speaking English and French.
– The Australian Institute of Sport, The National Zoo and the National Library.
– When are you going on a tour?
– That’s OK. Is it a guided tour?
– Unfortunately, not, sorry. The Parliament is sitting.
– What sights do I visit?
– On the 12th of March. When does the bus leave?
– At 10 o’clock in the morning. Please be on time.
– Great! Do I visit the Parliament house?
– Where does it leaves from?
– From the city Centre. At the bus stop.
– Thank you.


Application 3

Now I

know how to

– ask the information about the tour
– explain (объяснить) the problem to the travel agent
– book a guided tour
– get the necessary (необходимый) information from the agent
– understand the information I have just got
– speak to the travel agent
– specify (уточнить) the information

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