Заседание киноклуба любителей английского языка, посвященное 14 февраля

- 14:10Иностранный язык. Внеклассная работа, Методичка


Елена ЧАЛ,
учитель английского языка, учитель-методист
ГУО «Средняя школа № 4 г. Новогрудка»,
Гродненская область




Тема: Верите ли вы в родственные души?/ Do you believe in a soulmate?

Цель: Совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции членов клуба


– создать условия для обучения ведению диалога на иностранном языке (умение формулировать и доказывать свою точку зрения, умение понимать позицию собеседника, овладение коммуникативной этикой); развивать способности постигать смысл медиапроизведения;
– способствовать воспитанию культуры взаимоотношений, пониманию важности любви в жизни человека.

Topic: Soulmates and true love

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: form 10/11

Time: 45 minutes

Activity: Speaking, watching short films, and answering an interactive questionnaire

Materials: Short films and questions cards, hearts to form pairs

Films discussed:
“Less Than One” by Arturo Perez https://vimeo.com/85997517



“A matchmaker” https://vimeo.com/252680520




Course of Session

1 Classroom rules


2 Warm-up (5 mins)

Aims: to break the ice and foster a safe environment for learning.

Procedure: Valentine’s Day Question Cards (Аppendix 1)


3 Lead-in (5 mins)

Aims: to set the context for the meeting and generate interest


– Write the word SOULMATE on the board. Explain that a soulmate is a person ideally suited to another person as a romantic partner; a soulmate understands and connects with you on every level, and makes you feel complete.


4 Discussion (Activity 4) (10 mins)

Aims: to raise SS’ interest in the topic, provide free speaking practice

Procedure: Think-Pair-Share Strategy (Аppendix 2)

Questions for discussion:

    • Do you believe in a soulmate?
    • What are the chances of a person finding their soulmate?
    • What qualities would your soulmate or perfect partner have?

Way to Form Pairs “Famous Couples”: participants must find the hearts hidden around the building and match the couples together which are written upon the hearts (Аppendix 3).


5 Less Than One

Aims: to provide SS with listening practice and encourage speaking for fluency.

Procedure: Set the task and play the video.

– Dictate the following numbers to the students:

Check that students have the right numbers.

– Tell the students that they are going to watch a short film about the possibilities of finding your soulmate. Each number refers to the chances of finding your soulmate. As the students watch their task is to identify what each number refers to.

– Pre-teach picky (adjective to describe a person who is very fussy or selective about people or things) and click (a verb to say that people get on and function well together).

– Show the film twice and then ask the learners to compare their answers with a partner.

Get feedback from the class.

– Show the film a third time and ask the students to tell you to pause when one of the numbers is mentioned.

Here are the answers:
800,000 – the number of people in the city
400,000 – the number of guys who live in the city
130,000 – the number of guys who live in the city who are her age
65,000 – the number of guys who are her age and single
3,250 – the number of guys who she would find attractive
16 – the number of guys she would find interesting
0.53 – the number of guys she would “click” with

– Ask the students if they couple have already found their soulmates.

– Give the students the following link to an interactive questionnaire which calculates the possibility of finding their soulmate. http://www.lessthanone.com/ If all the students have mobile devices they should do the questionnaire and write the final “Number of People perfect for You” and discuss it with a partner.


6 An ideal date (Activity 4) (10 mins)

Aims: to provide SS with listening practice and encourage speaking for fluency.

Procedure: Set the task and play the video.

– What apps they have on their mobile phone and what they use them for.

– If your students haven’t mentioned the app Tinder ask them if they know it. Elicit or explain that it is a location-based app that helps people to contact other people who they may be interested in romantically. Ask your students if they have used Tinder or whether they would consider using it.

– Tell your students that they are going to watch a short film in which a man uses an app similar to Tinder.

– Watch the extract from the video and answer the questions:

    • Why was a date so perfect?
    • Do you think they are soul mates? Was it love at first sight?
    • What do you think of online dating?

– If you have time, organize debates: “Pros and cons of online dating”


7 Sum up (5 mins)

Aim: to summarize the meeting

Procedure: “Love Letters”. Create a wacky love letter, one word at a time.

    • Tell the groups that they as a team will be writing the best love letter.
    • Line each team up in a single file line and one at a time write one word of their letter on a large piece of paper you have taped up onto the wall in front of each group.
    • Start both teams out with the same line such as “Honey, I love today’s lesson so much that…”
    • One at a time team members will go to the board and add a word to their team’s letter.
    • Tell them ahead of time that they will be disqualified if they write anything inappropriate.


Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3


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