Lepel. 5 reasons to visit our town. Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 7-го класса  

- 12:53Иностранный язык. Внеклассная работа, Методичка

Это внеклассное мероприятие является одним из элементов патриотического воспитания и формирования общечеловеческих ценностей и может проводиться на всех уровнях изучения английского языка с учетом возрастных и программных требований.

учитель английского языка
ГУО «Гимназия имени И.М.Ерашова г. Лепеля»,
Витебская область 






Мероприятие является плановым мероприятием по реализации воспитательной работы и школьной программы. Сценарий мероприятия соответствует возрастным особенностям детей.

На подготовительном этапе учащимся было предложено самостоятельно составить план экскурсии, т.е. определить пять причин посетить родной город. После его составления учащиеся самостоятельно собрали информацию и с помощью учителя составили рассказ в соответствии с планом, далее распределили информацию между собой и очередность выступления. Несколько учащихся изъявили желание подготовить видео по одному из пунктов плана. 

Для детей были подготовлены вопросы (викторина), за ответы на которые они должны получать деталь мозаики. Получив все детали мозаики, учащиеся должны сложить из них картину – один из символов города. 

Мероприятие строилось на рассказах детей (монологическая речь) и ответах на вопросы викторины с обсуждениями в командах (диалогическая речь). Дети активно включались в диалоговые формы общения и друг с другом, и с учителем. Старалась услышать мнение каждого.

В течение всего занятия для активизации познавательной деятельности использовались разные формы работы: фронтальная, групповая; методы: словесный (беседа, понятия), наглядный, рефлексия. Это способствовало развитию у детей навыков общения, совместной деятельности, проявлению их личных качеств. Разные формы работы помогли вовлечь в работу практически всех учащихся, и они эмоционально погрузились в тему мероприятия.

Материалы к уроку:


Класс: 7-й.

Тема: «Lepel. 5 reasons to visit our town»/ «Лепель. 5 причин посетить наш город».

Задача: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.


– образовательная: способствовать совершенствованию навыков говорения;
– развивающая: содействовать развитию работы в группах, в команде, развитию навыков языковой догадки, ассоциативного мышления, навыков самостоятельного подбора информации и использования его в образовательном процессе;
– воспитательная: способствовать развитию у учащихся чувства патриотизма, чувства гордости и любви к своей родине, чувства уважения и сопричастности к истории своего города.

Форма проведения: урок-экскурсия.


Ход мероприятия


On the screen students start watching introductory video. While watching two other students start a lesson.

Student: All we spend our summer holidays in different ways: some of us go abroad, to the countryside. Some people like visiting museums, exhibitions, and theatres. People also prefer visiting a famous international festival “Slavyanskiy Bazar”.

Student: But getting tired of festival crowded streets and noise you have a nice possibility to visit distant and picturesque places of our country.  And now it is turn to visit our town Lepel. It’s a place of yellow water lily flowers and large grey stones. We are sure you’ll be impressed and you’ve got at least 5 reasons for visiting our town.

Teacher: Our native town Lepel. It isn’t big but nice. It was founded in 1439 (the 15th century). It’s a popular place for tourists. The population of the town is about 18 000 people. About 1000 people try to visit our town and Lepel region every year. Especially in summer picturesque places of our region are even better that any other place abroad.

You were proposed to find and to study some information about our native town. And today you are going to present this information as 5 reasons to visit our town.


The first reason is “Our lakes”

Student: What can be better than having a rest at Lake Lepelskoye: fishing, boating or just swimming or sunbathing on the beach. That’s why our place is called a lake district. On the territory of our district we’ve got about 140 lakes.

Student: There are a lot of legends about the lake with the name Svyatoe. One of the legends says that in ancient times on a place of the modern lake Svyatoe there was a church which unexpectedly failed under the earth. On that place a lake appeared. Some people say that in calm weather you can see the roof of the church and hear the sounds of bells.

Student: Lake Svyatoe that is on the outskirt of our town is famous for Kupalye celebration. But something has changed recently and the place of celebration moved to our town park.

After presenting the children have to do the task: Do the quiz “Besides these lakes we can speak about…… (The Essa River, The Ulla River)” (Card 1) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.


The second reason – architectural sites

Student: Let’s start our traveling from the center. The center of our town is Svoboda Square. This is not the largest square in Belarus but for our town is quite big. In the square we’ve got enough place for town occasions: the anniversary of the town, Victory day, Independence Day.

Children watch a video.

After watching the video children have to do the task – to match two halves of the sentences. (Card 2) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.

Student: One of the sites of our town is the Church of Paraskieva Pyatnitskaya. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa was considered as the patroness of girls, women and marriage. In Belarus many sacred springs have the name of Pyatnitskaya. There was a spring near the Pyatnitskaya Church at the beginning of the XX century.

Student:  People worshipped the cross with a crucifixion. The building is wooden and very old. It was built in 1841-1844. Paraskieva Pyarnitskaya is the patron saint of all women.  The building is the monument of wooden architecture.

Teacher: And now you are getting a task.

Children have to do the task:

– What’s wrong on the picture? (Card 3) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.
– Where is it? (Card 4) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.
– What street is it now? (Card 5) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.
– What is it now? (Card 6) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.


The third reason – our museum

Student: Our museum was founded in the 50th of the last century. This small building contains 6 halls of exposition. Among them is a nature hall where you can learn about the wildlife of Belarus. A history hall has got the exposition of archeology, coins, medals, printed papers, dish and a lot of others materials. A special role is given to the great patriotic war.

Student: One of the most unique things in the museum is a bull horn that was found at the bottom of the Okono Lake. In the near future the museum is going to change its location and move to the building of the former distillery that is being reconstructed at the moment. A great gorgeous two-story building made of red brick a real symbol of the historical past of our town.

After this information the children do the task.

– What do they have in common? (Card 7) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.
– What date can you see on the stone monument? (Card 8) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.


The fourth reason – Statues and monuments

Student: In the square you can see a sculpture “Lepelchanin” . Our people call it “Pyatachok”. It was presented to the people in 2011 and became a symbol of the residents of Lepel.

Student: In our town park you can find a statue of a mermaid and a dragon. Our people call this dragon Tsmok. These statues became a real brand of our town. Tsmok is 2 meter high. It seems to be hospitable and kindhearted. I suppose every visitor if the park has got a photo with this kind dragon that invites everybody to the festival of mythology. The festival is traditionally held every august.

Tsmok is not the only image of the dragon in our town. Some years ago the statue of a dragon appeared near the building of our Town Gas. 

The teams are mixed. Some participants of one team change the places with the participants of the other one.  The teams exchange their participants.

The children are doing the task.

– What is on the other side? (Card 9) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.
– Whose book is it? (Card 10) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.
– What date is on the coin? (Card 11) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.
– Where can you see this statue? (Card 12) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.


The fifth reason – nature landmarks of the region

Student: The most famous natural monument in Lepel region is Tsar Oak (Царь дуб) in the village Tadulino. It is 26 m high and about 400 years old.

Student: Our place is also famous for large grey stones. One of the most famous pagan cemetery is in the village Toronkovichy. I was surprised to know that it is called our local “Stonehenge”. Here you can see a lot of big stones with one, the largest one, in the middle. It is about 4 m high. One more sacred stone we can find not far from the village Polsvizh. On the surface of the stone there are the footprints of animal paws and even of humans.

Teacher: Imagine a situation: your friend from another country is going to visit our town. He wants to see nature and to know about the wild life of our country and region. Where would you offer him to go? (The Berezinsky nature reserve)

It’s a reserve that is situated in the village Domzheritcy of Lepel region. It’s created to protect rare species of birds, animals and plants. Here you can watch real animals and birds in the zoo. And also visit a museum of wildlife. And now the task.

Look at the picture. These are the animals that can be seen in the Berezinsky nature reserve. But one is the odd one. What is the odd one out? (Hyena)

And get the last task.

– What comes next? (Card 13) – the children are getting a piece of puzzle.


After the final task the students are doing the puzzle and are getting the picture of one of the symbols of the town – Yellow Water Lily Flowers.



The students are getting a card in the form of a heart where they continue the phrase: “My native town is…”. Then the hearts are put on the board.

Our class is coming to end. I suppose you enjoyed our excursion and our quiz game. It’s very important to know the history of you native town, its landmarks, to admire and be proud of its picturesque places. Wherever you travel you should remember that there is no place like home.


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