Тренировочные задания по английскому языку по теме «Времена глагола», «Артикли» (часть А)

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Тренировочные задания предназначены для подготовки учащихся 10–11-х классов к централизованному экзамену и централизованному тестированию по английскому языку, могут быть использованы на этапе подготовки учащихся к олимпиаде по английскому языку.

Анастасия КУРМАН,
учитель английского языка
ГУО «Средняя школа № 2 г. Слонима»,
Гродненская область






I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

1. It appeared that his small gadget … a great fire in the forest.

1) had caused   2) was causing   3) is causing   4) have caused   5) cause

2. Now we … in this company for five years already.

1) had worked   2) have been working   3) have worked   4) were working   5) work

3. I would give you some money if I … any.

1) have   2) had   3) would have   4) was having   5) will have

4. Unfortunately, the electricity in our neighborhood … last week.

1) wasn’t working   2) didn’t work   3) worked   4) hasn’t worked   5) wasn’t working

5. One summer day my family … to have a picnic.

1) have decided   2) decide   3) decided   4) had decided   5) was decided

6. Whatever service you …, they must help you on time.

1) have chosen   2) chose   3) are choosing   4) choose   5) were choosing

7. Last Friday Tom … on suspicion of robbery.

1) was arrested   2) has arrested   3) is arrested   4) arrested   5) arrest

8. One day I … in the office as usual, when I … a call from the bank.

1) was working, had received   2) worked, received   3) worked, was received   4) was working, received

9. Who … his toothbrush? He’s angry!

1) used   2) has been using   3) have used   4) was using

10. We … Jerry in 3 hours.

1) will see   2) will be seeing   3) are seeing   4) saw

Correct Answers: 1. had caused; 2. have been working; 3. had; 4. didn’t work; 5. decided; 6.  choose; 7. was arrested; 8. was working, received; 9. has been using; 10. will see.


II. Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

Sergeant John Clarcson (1.)… behind his desk and (2.)… out of the window. Outside, a steady stream of traffic (3.)… by, cars (4.)… slowly in the rain.

Frank (5.) down at the gray hairs on his arms, and his round stomach, which pushed against the desk. This was his final month before John’s retirement from the police.

John (6.) as he considered the terrible retirement package he (7.). It was barely enough money to take a short holiday on the cold east coast of England where he (8.). There was no way he (9.) the luxury cruise he (10.) of.

1. 1) sat 2) sit 3) was sitting   4) has sat   5) was sat
2. 1) was stared 2) stared 3) has stared   4) has been staring   5) stare
3. 1) passed 2) is passing 3) has passed   4) was passing   5) has been passing
4. 1) were moving 2) moved 3) had moved   4) were moved   5) are moving
5. 1) had looked 2) was looked 3) looking   4) will look   5) looked
6. 1) frowned 2) has been frowning 3) was frowned    4) frowns   5) had frowned
7. 1) has given 2) had given 3) had been given   4) gave  5) was giving
8. 1) was living 2) lives 3) had lived   4) lived   5) was lived
9. 1) can afford 2) could afford 3) can’t afford   4) couldn’t afford   5) can affording
10. 1) had always dreamed 2) always dreamed 3) always dream   4) was always dreaming   5) is always dreaming

Correct Answers: 1. sat; 2. stared; 3. was passing; 4. were moving; 5. looked; 6. frowned; 7. had been given; 8. lived; 9. could afford; 10. had always dreamed.


III. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. (Articles)

1. … Antarctica is the coldest place on … Earth.

1) – , –    2) the, the    3) the, –   4) -, the   5) -, an

2. … English Channel is an arm of … Atlantic Ocean that separates … southern England from … northern France.

1) the, the, -, –    2) -, -, the, the    3) -, the, a, a    4) the, the, the, the    5) -, the, -, –

3. Settlers from … British Isles form … majority of … population here.

1) -, the, the     2) the, the, the     3) -. -, –     4) the, a, the     5) the, -, –

4. We always lend … helping hand to … disabled.

1) -, –      2) the, the     3) a, –      4) a, the      5) a, a

5. … Emma’s Pub was … most popular place among … tourists.

1) the, the, the   2) -, the, –   3) -, -, the   4) an, the, the   5) the, a, –

6. As… matter of … fact, Andrew was … only child in … family.

1) a, a, an, a    2) a, the, the, a    3) a, -, an, the    4) a, -, -, the     5) the, a, an, the

7. At … first, we decided to visit … Buckingham Palace.

1) -, –   2) the, the   3) -, the   4) the, –   5) a, the

8. It was … autumn of 2010 and we all went to … seaside.

1) -, the   2) an, –   3) -, a   4) the, –   5) the, the

9. … Browns is … very united family.

1) the, –     2) the, a   3) -, a   4) the, the   5) -, –

10. At … first sight David has made … good impression on me.

1) -, a   2) the, –   3) a, a   4) -, –   4) the, the   5) a, –

Correct Answers: 1. -, the; 2. the, the, -, -; 3. the, the, the; 4. a, the; 5. -, the, -; 6. a, -, an, the; 7. – , – ; 8. the, the; 9. the, a; 10. -, a.


IV. Вставьте артикли в устойчивые выражения, где необходимо.

1. all of … sudden
2. … great deal
3. after … while
4. as… matter of … fact
5. at … glance
6. at … time
7. at … half price
8. at … last
9. at … weekend
10. at … distance
11. at … night
12. at … profit
13. at … ease
14. at … present
15. at … risk
16. at … top
17. at … breakfast
18. at … odds
19. from … distance
20. as … result
21. at … dawn
22. round … globe
23. at … bottom
24. … regular routine
25. all in … all

Correct Answers: 1. a; 2. a; 3. a; 4. a, -; 5. a; 6. a; 7. -; 8. -; 9. the; 10. a; 11. -; 12. a; 13. -; 14. -; 15. -; 16. the; 17. -; 18. -; 19. a; 20. a; 21. -; 22. the; 23. the; 24. a; 25. – .


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